Find your 10x engineer

We leverage AI vetting to assess thousands of times more candidates than traditional recruiters, so you can focus on launching your next big idea.

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All your insights, all in one place.

Hiring On Your Own

  • bulletFounders spend up to 80% of their time hiring from a limited talent pool
  • bulletSpend an average of 2.5hrs manually vetting each candidate and 20+ hours sourcing
  • bulletPay a premium for more easily accessible talent in your network
  • bulletManage complex international payroll and global compliance
  • bulletTrack hours manually, and hope for good performance

Aire Engineer Placement

  • bulletGuaranteed quality from our vetted pool of thousands, with risk-free 2-week trial periods
  • bulletFind your engineer within 3 days from initial conversation to hire
  • bulletBuilt for every budget, with rates starting as low as $30/hour
  • bulletGlobal payroll, international compliance, and optionally benefits handled by us
  • bulletTransparently track hours and performance
What we do

How it works

The decision of who to hire is yours. We help get you there faster.
You don't pay anything unless you decide to hire one of our candidates.

Intro Call

  • Tell us what you’re trying to build, and who you need to build it
Intro Call

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